Important Aftercare Instructions for Dental Crowns | Do’s and Don’ts

Important Aftercare Instructions for Dental Crowns | Do’s and Don’ts

Feb 01, 2023

What are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is placed over a damaged tooth. Dental crowns are used to restore a broken tooth, support and cover a tooth and reshape a tooth. There are different types of crowns, such as porcelain, composite resin, ceramic, and metal.

What are the Benefits of Getting Dental Crowns?

The benefits of getting dental crowns include the following:

  • They can restore a damaged tooth
  • They relieve discomfort or dental pain
  • Dental crowns can be used to reinforce a bridge
  • They can last for a long time
  • Teeth crowns improve chewing

What are the Aftercare Tips for Dental Crowns?

Aftercare for crowns begins the moment the procedure is over. Below are some of the dos and don’ts:

=> Do’s

1) Take Pain Medication for Discomfort

When the local anesthesia wears off, you may feel irritation and discomfort. A pain reliever helps to reduce irritation. Brushing your teeth with toothpaste that helps with sensitivity will also help you feel better.

With same-day crowns, you will have only one operation; therefore, you won’t have to feel the pain twice.

2) Brush and Floss

You need to brush the crown carefully to get rid of sticky plaque and to make the crown look good. Flossing helps to remove the food particles and germs that may get stuck between the crown and the adjacent tooth or the gum.

3) Visit the Dentist Regularly

Visiting the dentist often helps them to check your crowns and ensure they are not dislodging from the tooth enamel. It’s important to go to your dentist’s office for checkups twice every year.

During your dental examination, our dentist in Plano, TX checks the crown to ensure it is attached properly and not at any risk of damage.

4) Talk to Your Dentist if the Crown doesn’t Feel Right

It may take a while to grow accustomed to the new crown, including the sensation of the new bite.

One week after getting your tooth crowns and your bite still feel strange, you should tell your dentist. They can grind the crown’s biting surface to make minor alterations.

5) Wear a Night Guard

Most people clench and grind their teeth while sleeping, meaning they most likely don’t know it happens. However, over time grinding and clenching can cause serious damage to your teeth.

A dentist can identify someone who grinds their teeth by looking at their gums and teeth. Then, they can customize a night guard to help you protect your crown when sleeping.

6) Maintain Your Oral Health

After the procedure, you may experience swelling, minor bleeding, and discomfort. However, cleaning your mouth daily alleviates those symptoms and prevents further infection.

7) Check for any Complications

During your recovery process, check for signs of complications such as excessive swelling, severe bleeding, loose crown, and severe pain. If you experience any of those signs, contact our cosmetic dentist in Plano, TX.

=> Don’ts

1) Avoid Chewing on Hard Substances

Crowns may feel and look like natural teeth, but they are more vulnerable to damage. Don’t chew on hard substances such as pen caps and fingernails when your procedure is complete. You may also need to avoid opening food packages with your teeth.

2) Avoid Sticky and Hard Foods

Sticky foods loosen or weaken the crown, and the sticky bits get caught between the gum and the crown. Chewing on hard candies can chip, break, or crack the crown; hence you will need to replace it earlier than you would.

3) You Should Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol can damage your dental crowns. That’s because the presence of sugar in alcohol can create bacteria that accumulate on the teeth’ grooves. And Excess bacteria accumulation results in tooth decay.

4) Avoid Hot Foods and Drinks

Hot foods like soup, coffee, or pizza can damage the crown. At times hot foods can result in sensitivity around the crown. You should avoid them if you feel discomfort.

5) You Should Avoid Smoking

Smoking after the procedure makes the whole process useless because the crown won’t integrate. It makes healing difficult. Cigarette smoke may eliminate the oxygen in the blood, affecting the healing process.

Visit a Crown Dentist Near You

In conclusion, dental crowns are a good way to reinstate damaged teeth. If you follow the aftercare tips from the dentist, your crowns will last many years. Are you looking to get tooth crowns near Addison, TX? Call us or book an appointment with SS Dental to get dental crowns in Plano, TX!

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